Monday, March 20, 2006

Torquin' Point.

[ Every great creation of mankind begins its life cycle as a dream . It is the vision of a small group of pioneers-who dare to think big, who refuse to compromise under hardships and constraints and whose relentless focus is to bring their undiluted efforts to fruition.

Lets clarify one thing at the start:- We weren’t anything like that.

A group of 6 guys from DJ Sanghvi COE dreamt of creating their own magazine. It was supposed to shape into a general interest magazine:- with sections dedicated to cars, music, gizmos, education, humour and what have you. I was supposed to be in charge of the automotive section, a unanimous opinion , given my manic passion for cars, the breadth and depth of my automotive knowledge , the maturity of my views and the fact that no one else cared a hoot about cars.

Accordingly, I had written the editorial of the would-be opening issue . You know how it is, you ve been raised on a staple diet of Clarkson, Kitman, Sorabjee, Bijoy and you yearn to bless the world with your monthly views on automotive happenings of importance.

So here it is, the first editorial of the automotive section of the 1st issue of that aborted attempt.

Now I’m not really expecting people to read this and shed tears of joy , or rediscover the bliss of the first showers after summer , or name their first child after me, but heck, since I had written it, ill post it anyway]


Our survey indicates that more people prefer spending Sunday afternoons watching F1 races than comparing popping speeds of different brands of toasters. More people seem to swear by Ferrari, Mclaren and BMW than GE,SAMSUNG and other respectable refrigerator brands. And evidence firmly suggests that, while admiring the lines and curves of a microwave may be an enchanting way to spend time , more people seem more passionate about the shape of a Lamborghini or an Alfa Romeo.

That explains why we are here with a section on cars rather than any other widely used commodity.

The automobile has come a long way indeed. From the humble Ford Model T to the exotic Bugatti Veyron , its been an exciting and an eventful journey. Starting from a basic sedan, the automobile today ,comes in a mind boggling array of forms :- 5 door, 3 door, 2 door, convertible , ragtop, hardtop, coupe , hatch , SUV, MPV, MUV ,CC,GT and other abstruse acronyms. Few entities , if any, have spawned so much variety in form and function.

And even fewer have such consummate command over so many human emotions with such ease:- awe,envy,pleasure,thrill,love,pride,possessiveness. All that and more.

Fact of the matter is, more than most other things, a car is a very public reflection of who you are, of what you like , of your personality and your taste. I cant think of too many other things that would cost anywhere between 2- 900 lakh rupees , have more hues than you can imagine , more shapes than you can count and cater to such a diverse set of requirements.

Today,most superior nations no longer consider the autocar a luxury, its taken more as a regular commodity. In third world countries, like ours, that acceptance is still some way off. But gradually we are getting exposed to better, sexier , more desirable cars. With so many choices in so many segments, the Indian car buyer has never had it so good. And it can only get better.

Heard that old saying :-“ In life, try to forget the destination and learn to enjoy the journey”? Well , making sure that you have an “enjoyable journey” would be the endeavour of this automotive section .

- Cheers,